Friday, October 3

commit this to memory

Today, I finally figured out something thats been bugging me since I moved into this apartment. Turns out, if I put my "stereo" in the bathroom, I can hear it in every single room :) This really has been driving me nuts since day one. I hope its loud enough to bug my upstairs neighbors as much as their kids constant running around bugs me.

Wednesday, October 1

Okay, so I finally have the internets again, the least I could do is give you an update of the last month or two :)

Back in early July I noticed I was losing a TON of hair. Huge handfuls every time I showered, did my hair, loose pieces throughout the day. I was ready to chalk this up to needing a haircut and wedding stress, but the sheer amount of it made me worried. I finally made a doctors appointment and they agreed, it sounded like stress but they ran some blood work just to be sure. When the results came back my thyroid numbers were through the roof. Turns out I have something called hashimoto's disease, which is an autoimmune disease that causes hypothyroidism, usually brought on by stress. Lovely. I got put on meds to treat the hypothyroidism and was sent on my way. I went back for a follow up mid-August. My hair was still falling out and I was exhausted every day. The doctor ran more bloodwork and ordered me in for a thyroid ultrasound since he couldn't see anything wrong on the surface. The ultrasound showed I have a nodule, which are usually benign, but the doctor wanted me to have a scan done just to be sure. Down side is, I can't have the scan until I've been off the meds for a month which were finally making me feel better! I made the appointment Monday and the earliest I can have it done is October 20. I haven't been feeling too bad, just tired much more than normal. I've been letting myself sleep in and nap if I need to, but I can't wait to get everything regulated and back to normal!

Nick and I moved into a two bedroom apartment at 19 & Hayes the week before the wedding. That week sucked :P We love it here. We are completely out of boxes, but we haven't put a lot of finishing touches up yet. Our back room needs a futon for teevee watching and the living room is nearly barren, but its home :) If you go to Lakeside, come say hello

After wasting the entire summer planning, its over!! Yahoo! The weather was gorgeous, the ceremony was beautiful and we had so much fun! The hall looked great, we looked great, the food was delicious, we danced all night long. A few guests were cranky, but I sort of expected it from them anyway. I have pictures all over facebook so you can look over there if you like. Nick's Aunt got us a suite at Caesers Windsor and it was the most beautiful room I have ever seen. We were on the 11th floor overlooking the Detroit river. King size bed, 2 flat screen teevees, jacuzee tub, gorgeous! We didn't actually leave the hotel until around 6 on Monday, we just slept in and laid around in our hotel robes relaxing. It was awesome. On Tuesday we drove to Niagra Falls and stayed in a really crumby room, but we were only in there to sleep so its okay. The Falls were amazing. We did the Maid of the Mist boat tour which was the coolest thing I've done in a long time. Then we walked along the strip and indulged in the sights. Beer, pizza, icecream, ferris wheel, window shopping, we had so much fun. 3 days was exactly the right amount of time too, we were so ready to come home and just do nothing but be home and relax.

Currently, we are loving married life but having a hard time adjusting to our very opposite work schedules. I see a lot more sleeping husband than I spend time with husband, but its nice just to know hes there. I have to close the bedroom door most days after hes worked the night shift because all I want to do is go in a bother him awake :) What a bratty wife.

So what have you been up to, Internet? I've missed you.